How 3 small adjustments can rejuvenate your gym workout
Do you feel your gym workout is simply not working anymore?
Would you be surprised to know that this is the most common issue in gyms around the world?
But what can you do? Drink a better protein shake, buy new trainers, get a new workout, etc.?
The answer is, in fact, very simple. Three small adjustments are all you need to make the difference to your current workout and get you to your desired goal quicker.
All you need to remember is:
- Be present
- Get excited
- Get it done
Be present
The first adjustment involves being brutally honest with yourself and answering the following questions:
- Why are you doing this?
- What problem are you trying to solve?
- What results do you want to see?
We all want to be fitter, we all want that perfect beach-ready body. Signing up to a gym merely the starting point for you achieving your desired goals.
Once you know the purpose for exercising, every time you go to the gym remember that purpose.
By simply remembering why you are there, puts your mind into being present and focussed and your motivation increases.
Get excited
When we enjoy ourselves time flies by. But, let’s face it, sometimes we feel going to the gym is a chore. It’s something we have to do, rather than something we actually want to do.
The second small adjustment is getting yourself into that excited ‘I want to be here’ state of mind before you start training.
The good news is that it it’s very simple to achieve.
When Gordon trains people, either in his group classes or 1-to-1 session, he sets the training up with a small, but important ritual. He has a salutation at the start of each session designed to place his clients in the optimal state to learn, train and maximise the effectiveness of the training.
Creating your own ritual can be something as simple as smiling when you are getting changed to start your workout and telling yourself how great the session is going to be and how fabulous you will feel when you finish.
Get it done
The final adjustment you can make is to simply focus on the task at hand. Once you’re in the gym, get on with your workout and don’t stop.
We’re all time-short and if you chat in between reps, keep checking your programme, take your time over each exercise, etc., your workout quickly becomes a chore.
Don’t pay any attention to time wasting and trim off the fat to your gym visits. See your trainer and ask for a tailored routine that you know you can get done in the time you have available.
Gordon has developed a fun and variable programme for his clients that only takes 20 minutes to complete and gives them everything they need: mobility, flexibility, conditioning and cardio-vascular.
By being present, getting excited and getting it done means your training sessions will be something you look forward to and enjoy as well as adding something to your life and lifestyle.
Maybe you could look at group activities you may enjoy, which have exercise as a by-product such as: free running, sailing, trekking, touch rugby, dancing.
Whatever exercise you choose, be present, get excited and get it done. After all you have nothing to lose, except a few pounds maybe!
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