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Introducing Synergy’s ‘ProArgi-9+’, the supplement every over-40 needs

How many different daily supplements do you take? One? Two? Three? More?

Synergy Worldwide’s ‘ProArgi-9+’ should be the cornerstone of any supplemental nutritional routine as it helps the body produce nitric oxide (NO) which, for the over-40s is extremely beneficial. Based on 1998 Nobel Prize winning science ‘ProArrgi-9+’ is packed with pharmaceutical grade L-Arginine which is an amino acid that your body converts to NO.

When you hit your 40s, your body produces 85 per cent LESS NO than it did in your twenties. But why should that matter? Well, NO, is of great benefit to your cardiovascular system by helping to improve the function of blood vessels, enhancing coronary blood flow and lowering blood pressure.

But that’s not all, NO has recently been referred to as the ‘miracle molecule’ as it has other different health-enhancing properties, such as: improving the immune function, boosting energy levels, building muscles, reducing adipose tissue body fat, diabetes, asthma, prostate and renal functions, wound healing and headaches plus many more.

Combat Arts founder, Gordon McAdam, takes Synergy’s ‘ProArgi-9+’ and recommends it to all his clients. Here’s how Gordon discovered it:

“For year’s I’d taken supplements – pills, potions and more – all in the pursuit and desire for optimal health and better performance. The trouble was most of it was just an act of faith, I didn’t actually know if any of the supplements I was taking were making a difference or not.

“When I hit my mid-40s I read about the benefits of NO and how we produce less as we age. The benefits sounded amazing, so I did some research and bought what I thought was the right supplement, from the right company and started taking the recommended doses. After some months I realised that I was not feeling any difference at all.

“But then I met someone who introduced me to Synergy Worldwide and I decided to give ‘ProArgi-9+’ (Synergy’s flagship product) a try.

“ProArgi-9+ is a simple, organic, non-genetically modified drink that produces NO in the body. I took it consistently, as advised and the difference I felt was simply amazing.

“I had more energy, more vitality, more clarity of thought and a clearer focus and sense of direction, not that I was a slouch prior to this.

“This is the one supplement I recommend, pretty much everyone who takes it gets a positive effect and who wouldn’t want more energy, vitality and clarity?”

If you’d like to try ProArgi-9+ for yourself click here

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